Bela Building

Concealment of views and solar control. UPZs are two solutions in one product

The Bela building is a new construction project promoted and executed by the company Hinaco, for the construction of 36 high-end homes with swimming pools and large common areas. Located on Carrer del Riu Ebre, it is part of an area of expansion of the city, with modern urban planning, on the left bank of the Segre River. In its immediate surroundings, it has multiple services, which are added to the proximity of the University’s headquarters.

Location: Lleida, Catalonia
Client: Hinaco
Architects: B29 Arquitectos
Typology: Residential Architecture

Sun protection needs

Due to the rectangular shape of the plot and the interior layout of the homes, the kitchens are mainly north-facing, and the main rooms and the living room, south-facing.

For the former, the incorporation of lattices is given as a concealment of views, both of the hanging clothes and the air conditioning vents, and for the latter, they are incorporated as sun protection, due to the sunlight they receive practically all day long.

Our contribution to the project

For this project, it has been decided to incorporate
lattices for both solar protection and view concealment uses, as well as for room separators.

It is a lattice of extruded slats, with a main “Z” section, which is characterized by maintaining our traditional clipping system. This system has proven to be more useful in the long term because it behaves better against the expansion of the material, and allows the replacement of slats without the need to replace all the elements of the lattices.

It should also be noted that it is a solution that is very resistant to the action of the wind, and that within our range, it is one of the most advanced technical solutions.

In this project, supplemented with structural posts and incorporated into hinged frames, it has also fulfilled the function of enclosure for terraces on the ground floor and as a solarium separator in the attics.

These examples show the versatility of this material, which are added to the range of specific finishes it offers, something new in our range of fixed slat lattices.

Result obtained

600 m2 de celosías de lamas instaladas

Combination of lattices in the Padre Chaminade building

Fixed tubular lattices in El Cañaveral

Adjustable exterior blinds for residential architecture