CPI Val de la Atalaya

The CPI Val de La Atalaya, an emblematic project of our systems

The construction project of the CPI Val de la Atalaya has been built in three different phases, approximately two years apart from each other, and make up one of the most successful examples of our comprehensive solar protection system, which incorporates lattices of movable slats for the windows, and a metal cladding for the facades, combining both systems with a single exterior appearance.

This system also allows a high degree of customization, since all the slats that compose it are individual elements, and it works very well in sun protection projects for educational buildings because they have a long useful life, with minimal maintenance.

Location: María de Huerva, Aragón
Customer: Construcciones Mariano López Navarro
Architects: Cerouno Arquitectos
Photographer: Apache Comunicación
Typology: Educational architecture

Sun protection needs

The CPI Val de la Atalaya is made up of four large blocks, each with a different orientation, which form a square floor plan, with the courtyard as an open area protected by the buildings.

With this configuration, and the growing need for control of natural lighting due to the incorporation of screens into classrooms, having sun protection systems using lattices is a technically ideal proposal, and one that provides a wide range of design possibilities.

Thanks to the integration of adjustable lattices with our façade cladding, we achieve a uniform general design, in which the specialisation of the products allows the incorporation of specific insulation systems, with greater efficiency and lower cost, while incorporating an independent ventilated façade system that fulfils its function thanks to the micro ventilation between the slats.

The set is not only a very competitive solution in price, but also highly functional as sun protection.

Our contribution to the project

The first phase, which covers the children’s area, has a combination of grey and yellow colours, which are combined as very long adjustable slats with the cladding, which acts as a false ceiling. Thanks to this arrangement, an excellent passage of light is achieved, while allowing you to see what is happening in the playground from inside the classrooms, which favors better control of the students during recess.

The second phase, built in a ground floor format and two elevations, stands out for a silver exterior appearance for the exterior facades of the building, while applying a blue, dark gray and silver color code for the interior façade, which also plays with the depth of the façade to generate a small porch.

In this arrangement, the 15cms UPO-150 adjustable aluminum lattices predominate, in a length of approximately 160cms, and which are arranged in motorized continuous panels, which are individually operated according to the internal layout of the classrooms. The cladding covers the intermediate façade strips, maintaining a similar length of slats, to create an aesthetic uniformity in the whole.

The third phase, and with which the full name of the CPI Val de la Atalaya is constituted, is also composed of a ground floor and two elevations, and maintains the sober scheme for the exterior facades, with all the lattices both fixed and adjustable in aluminium / silver colour, while for the interior façade it makes an interesting mirror game with the second phase, which is physically annexed, and connected by a walkway incorporated in this stage.

The design for this third phase makes a visual game in which the color silver predominates, in contrast to the predominance of the blue of the second phase, and that includes continuous vertical traces, both UPO-150 and UPR-150, in blue and dark gray tones.

In this way, a visual integration of the three blocks is achieved, in which the aesthetics of this combination of products is one of the visual hallmarks of the whole of the CPI Val de la Atalaya.

Result obtained

4.000 m2 de celosías de lamas instaladas

Expansion of the CEIP Antonio Machado

Rehabilitation Pau Casals School